The eight Swiss Institutions collaborating on this project have long traditions in conducting research in mountain areas and they play leading roles in most of the topics presented.
- Zurich is strong in phyto-geography, high mountain aquatic micro-biology and glaciology;
- Bern's strengths lie in geomorphology, soil sciences, climatology and vegetation science;
- Basel takes a lead in plant ecology, microclimatology and tree line biology.
- In addition, Federal Institutes in Davos and Zurich have expertise in snow science and upland forestry,
- and research work in the Swiss National Park covers important aspects of high elevation wild-life sciences.
Coordinating Institution

University of Zurich, Department of Geography, Project Leader: Prof. Dr. Conradin Burga
Partnering Institutions

University of Basel, Institute of Botany, Prof. Dr. Christian Körner

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zürich, Plant Ecology, Prof. Dr. Peter J. Edwards

University of Berne, Institute of Geography, Prof. Dr. Heinz Veit

University of Teacher Training Berne (PH Berne), Institute S1 Biology, Dr. Peter M. Kammer

Museum of nature (Bündner Naturmuseum), Chur, Dr. Jürg P. Müller

University of Zurich, Institute of Plant Biology / Microbiology, Ph.D. Kurt Hanselmann

Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), Birmensdorf, PD Dr. Otto Wildi
Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research (SLF), Davos, Dr. Veronika Stöckli